Gifts from God-365 Day Devotional/Journal
Celebrate the Gift of Christmas with a Gift from His Word!
This 365 day devotional/journal is scheduled to arrive by Thanksgiving! Order a copy for you and those on your Christmas Gift List. Be watching for a notice when it arrives!
Gifts from God is a 392 page devotional/journal beautifully bound and in a classy imitation leather cover. A place is provided on each page for writing your own journal notes. The perfect gift that goes on and on.
This devotional depicts the authors’ personal walks with God, one day at a time, for 365 days. The goal is to help God’s people learn how to sit in His counsel and allow His Word to change the spirit of the reader to be more like Christ. This alone will reveal God’s power to our fallen world.
Click Here to see a Sample page
**Signed copies available upon request.