Think Lifechange exists to:
1. Equip the Saints Through Discipleship
2. Comfort the Broken-hearted Through Counseling
3. Offer Bible-centerterd Books, Bible Studies, and Audio Messages.

Equip the Saints through Discipleship

Comfort the Broken-hearted through Counseling

Offer Bible-centered Books, Bible studies, and Audio Messages

30+ years of experience in using biblical principles to address life problems

Biblical Counseling Center Now Open

Think LifeChange is now offering virtual and in-person counseling through our Biblical Counseling Center. Our experienced counselors are ready to help you. Call (470) 525-4300 to book an appointment. 


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you need.

Become A Biblical Counselor

Our Program

Learn how you can earn a certificate and become a LifeChange Certified Biblical Counselor.

Upcoming Training

Our Residency Week is an intensive learning experience designed to teach you the background, history, message, and skills needed for biblical counseling.

Victory Reins

An Equine Assisted Learning program developed around the Word of God to provide help and healing to those struggling with emotional, mental, and spiritual problems.


Donate Counseling Sessions to Those In Need

You Are My Provider is a non-profit (501-3C) organization that provides biblical counseling to those who cannot afford it. Your donations are tax deductible.


Meet Dr. Kerry L. Skinner

Kerry L. Skinner, D.Min. has served in pastoral roles for more than 40 years with an emphasis in Christian discipleship and pastoral counseling. Through his writing and teaching, Dr. Skinner is recognized internationally as an advocate of biblical sufficiency. He has traveled extensively through North America teaching conferences for pastors, counselors, and lay leaders on topics such as revival, repentance, holiness, and biblical counseling.

Meet Alison Veazey

Alison Veazey earned her Master’s degree in Professional Counseling from Liberty University in 2012. Alison is the Dean of Students and Instructor for the Think LifeChange Biblical Institute of Biblical Counseling. Alison is a Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor (LCPC) through the National Christian Counselors Association (NCCA) and has started Victory Reins, a program that uses horses as a tool to teach relationships with Christ and others.



Kevin Ford

The opening of Think LifeChange Institute of Biblical Counseling is a great asset to the kingdom work of biblical counseling. Kerry Skinner’s approach of utilizing God’s Word while relying on the Holy Spirit truly simplifies the ministry of counseling. The training he provides in this area immensely equips the Lord’s servant to be an effective counselor. Since opening the counseling center at our church, with Kerry’s guidance and training, we have conducted hundreds of sessions and seen God transform numerous lives and marriages. If you or your church is called to the ministry of biblical counseling I can think of no better avenue to prepare for such a great work.

Elliott Yancey

When I first encountered Think LifeChange I have to admit I didn’t really understand what it was all about. I tend to be an ultra-practical how-is-this-going-to-help-me kind of guy. It did not take long to realize the theology, philosophy, and strategy behind Think LifeChange would not only profoundly impact my ministry but my own life as well. It is rare to encounter training and education that can be applied on a daily basis in the “real world.” Think LifeChange is that foundational and that revolutionary. As a full-time chaplain for 6 large businesses in the Atlanta area, I find myself using the principles taught by Think LifeChange multiple times a day. I use it with those I serve in the office, the cubicle, the shop, on the dock, and in the trucks. I can’t imagine fielding the questions I receive from those under my care without this training. If God is using you to help people find real and lasting peace in their lives then you need Think LifeChange. The certification and training are great for counselors, but pastors, teachers, Christian leaders, even business owners (anyone with people under their care and influence) would benefit greatly from all that Think LIfeChange offers. Wash it through your heart first. Then watch God use you more than you could ever imagine!

Glen Pearce

Kerry Skinner has been a pastor, mentor, and dear friend to me and my family for nearly 40 years.  I have observed him as he lovingly but firmly and effectively applies the truths of the Word of God to real life situations and issues in my life and others.  I have benefited from the use of his resources and counsel in my ministry now for the past 25 years.  I am excited that many others across the Kingdom of God will now have the opportunity to be formally equipped in Biblical Counseling through Kerry and Think LifeChange Institute of Biblical Counseling.

Judi Lowman

Several years ago Dr. Kerry Skinner had come to our church to teach us biblical principles in the book “The Heart of the Problem.”  I have since used it as a tool to counsel a few people that have sought my advice.  I recently witnessed God’s incredible healing power by helping someone find truth in His Word, in the midst of crisis, applying those principles.  Seeing victory in that situation convinced me there is an opportunity to help others in this way. I am exceedingly grateful to Dr. Skinner for following God’s leading to provide training for such a great need and I am beyond blessed to study and be equipped through the Think LifeChange Institute of Biblical Counseling to become a Certified Biblical Counselor.  I pray God richly blesses this ministry and all who are touched by it.

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