Begin Biblical Counseling In Your Church

Step 1. Host a conference on counseling from a Biblical perspective

Who is the Conference for: Any Christian who wants to sharpen their skills in helping people deal with the issues of life from a Biblical perspective.

Topics Covered

  • The Problem of Sin
  • The Process of Repentance
  • Dealing with Unforgiveness
  • Dealing with Anger
  • Portrait of a Biblical Counselor
  • Methods of Counseling
  • Counseling In The Body of Christ
introduction to biblical counseling

Step 2. Begin group study in The Heart of the Problem Workbook

The cure for your counseling burden…

In our day, there is a great need for repentance and a return to Biblical truth. We can help you begin a counseling ministry that is biblically solid, operated by lay volunteers, and owned as a ministry of your church:

…from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.  - Ephesians 4:16, NKJV

Your ministry is totally operated by church members, consisting of lay volunteers who are trained as Biblical counselors, receptionist, and a director. There are those that are trained by Think LifeChange who counsel families and individuals every week in churches across the US. They are the #ministries in developing church health, assisting new believers with walking in the Spirit, and creating unity within the body. It has also lifted the great pastoral burden of counseling and developed healthy and solid disciples to carry out the Great Commission.

Beginning a Biblical Counseling Center is a very rewarding and exciting adventure for your church. Your church members are empowered with tools like The Heart of the Problem workbook, The Spirit -filled vs. Sin-filled Chart, and other resources.

The Heart of the Problem

Step 3. Gather Volunteers

  • Think LifeChange can help you begin your Biblical Counseling Center
  • We provide all of the necessary documents for you to download
  • Ongoing training and support after the initial conference
  • Think LifeChange can provide ongoing Consulting and Biblical Counselor Training for volunteers.

I am interested in starting counseling at my church.
