Understanding Deep Things of God
The first clue to knowing the deep things of God is to determine not to know anything except Jesus Christ. Your focus is correct when it is on the words and ways of God. This is when you begin to see your wisdom and love increase.

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The Apostle Paul’s life is a great example of what happens when a man encounters Jesus. What happened to Paul when he encountered Jesus for the first time? In order to understand Paul’s encounter with Jesus, it is crucial to know who Paul was before this encounter. His name was Saul. Saul was “circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews; concerning the law, a Pharisee; concerning zeal, persecuting the church; concerning the righteousness which is in the law, blameless” (Philippians 3:5-6).
Saul was full of knowledge and believed that by persecuting the followers of Christ he was doing the work of God. Yet, Saul was void of the most important element of a relationship with God, the Love of God. That is until the event on the road to Damascus. This encounter with Jesus transformed his heart in a miraculous way. The same person who had been murdering Christians was now on mission to join the cause. His encounter with Jesus gave him a new name, Paul, and a new transformed heart full of love for the brethren (Acts 9:1-19).
According to Paul’s background, he had everything he needed to approach the Corinthians with elegant speech. He also had a knowledge of the law that would allow him to reveal his impressive education. Chances are they would have hung on his words because they would have respected his knowledge. But Paul surrendered all of that to claim only the knowledge of Christ. He knew the knowledge of Christ was what would set them free from sin. If you have a desire to enter a deeper relationship with God, then you need to claim to know nothing by Jesus.
Additionally, knowing the deep things of God requires spiritual maturity. You do not have to know everything or be the most mature Christian, but you do have to move toward maturity. When you are spending time with Jesus in His Word daily, His Spirit brings you to maturity.
However, we speak wisdom among those who are mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory.
1 Corinthians 2:6-7
Lastly, knowing the deep things of God requires a deep love for God and His Word. When you have a deep love for God, you will spend quality time with Him. Through this time, His Spirit will teach you the ways of Jesus and help you remember what He has already taught you.
From My Spirit is Life and Peace: Workbook by Alison Veazey and Kerry Skinner.