Fearing God More Than People
Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying…Therefore prepare yourself and arise, and speak to them all that I command you. Jeremiah 1:4, 17
Focus on Christ
Has God ever revealed something in His Word that you didn’t want to do? When He does, then preparation for the task ahead is the next step. You must saturate your mind in the Word of God to gain a proper perspective. When God’s Word is absolutely clear to you, it is time to respond obediently. Waiting is no longer an option, action is the answer.
If you chose not to obey the Word, it is likely because you fear how people will respond if you follow God’s direction. You think you will look like an outsider if you do something others are not willing to do. Guess what? You will! You will look like Jesus who always stood out in a crowd. When the Voice of God speaks through His Word, carry out what He says without doubting or fear. I find that when the Word is in your heart, it burns like a fire and will not let you go! You must speak! Resistance at this point takes more energy than simply obeying.
You should fear God if you are unwilling to carry out what He says. Do not waste time trying to decide what to do when you know the truth. The great antidote for a fear of people is a healthy fear of God. Jeremiah thought he could not speak for the Lord because he was so young and inexperienced. He was afraid people would not respect him. Age doesn’t matter when God is the one giving the assignment. God wanted him to have confidence in Him, not his personal abilities. Where is your confidence? In Christ, or in your skills?
Focus on Self
Self is the greatest roadblock to speaking on God’s behalf. As long as you are worried about self, you will not exalt Christ.
If you want to experience what any other person on earth experiences, you probably will. But wouldn’t you rather experience something that is not of this world? Something that contains the unsearchable riches of Christ? You can, but it is only available through a deep walk with God!
*Taken from My Word is Like a Fire by Alison Veazey and Kerry L. Skinner, p. 126, ©2019 All Rights Reserved