Forgiveness is Conditional

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If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14

Focus on Christ

Which of these do you think most people choose? 1) To be forgiven, or 2) To turn from their wicked ways. You might be surprised at the answer. People seem to think that being forgiven relieves them from the guilt of sin, but they don’t think they have to turn from sin to be forgiven. They want it both ways, to have forgiveness and to live their own way. 

Christ will forgive you of your sin. The reason He came to earth was to save His people from their sins. 

These are the conditions for forgiveness:

First, you must humble yourself. That means you must pray and humble yourself enough to admit the wrongness of your ways. It is hard to admit you are wrong. If God is to hear your prayers from heaven, then your prayer must humbly admit to your sin. 

Second, you must seek His face. If you have humbled yourself properly then you realize the depth of your wrongs. This leaves you nowhere to turn for help except to God. Getting face to face with God is when you seek His direction. If you do not know what to do with your sin, then seek God! Christ put His Spirit in you to guide you into all Truth. Seeking His face is personal, intimate, and comforting. 

Third, you must turn from your wicked ways. Your ways will not seem wicked until you have come face to face with Righteousness–Jesus Christ! Once that happens, you can no longer live in, maintain, and continue in your wickedness. 

But look at the result! If you will humble yourself and pray, He will hear from heaven. If you will seek His face, He will forgive your sin. And if you turn from your ways, He will heal your land. God grants forgiveness to those who meet His conditions and brings a fresh breath of freedom in Christ. 

Focus on Self 

If you never admit you are wrong, you will never experience forgiveness. Your will is a gift from God but can also be a curse to your soul. Determine to have your way, and you will find a life empty, disabled, and void of Christ’s Presence. Yield your spirit to Christ, and you will find true peace. 


*Taken from Gifts from God by Kerry Skinner and Alison Veazey. Click here to order your copy.