Paul Ezelle

Ephesians 4:11-12 is the biblical description of the relationship I have with Dr. Kerry L. Skinner. Kerry was called by God to teach and equip me to do the work of the Laity Care Center ministry. Kerry asked me to direct the first biblical counseling ministry he established in 2006 at Cottage Hill Baptist Church. Since then, we have ministered to thousands of clients, seeing so many of them greatly strengthen their personal relationship with the Lord. We most often see people reverse their untoward behavior(s) such as anger and unforgiveness and restore their strained interpersonal relationships. Marriages are being saved. Thoughts of suicide are being abolished. We counsel under the leadership of the Holy Spirit and God is consistently being glorified. I thank God for Kerry every day as biblical counseling helped me understand who I am in Christ, what is my purpose here on earth and exactly what it is that I should be doing.

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